19 thoughts on “Welcome to Technology Bloggers!

  1. Hi Christopher,

    Glad to see you’re up and running. Once again I must congratulate you on this great idea. We look forward to building a really interactive community here. And, thanks for the mention. It’s really flattering to be first on the list in a brand new blog! 🙂

    • Christopher (admin team)

      “Once again I must congratulate you on this great idea.” – My most gracious thanks Chadrack 🙂

      “We look forward to building a really interactive community here.” – You got the we! Well done 🙂

      You are welcome for the mention, I was wondering actually if you would be able to write a post in time for publishing next Monday ish, as I am a bit stuck for writing then! Create your account and email me for more details 🙂

    • Christopher (admin team)

      You sound like you look forward to eh future of this blog as much as me Wayne 🙂

      I have checked out your blog and was wondering whether you would consider becoming an author? I see you write about stuff in the blogging sort of area and other sort of stuff I would like to see on this blog 🙂 After all, this blog isn’t just about technology!

      Thanks for the comment Wayne – don’t forget to tell all your friends to head over this way 😉
      Christopher – Admin Team

  2. Hi Christopher,

    I like what you are doing here.

    May I respectfully suggest that you keyword your links to the bloggers’ posts above with either the post titles or general descriptions? Not only will you add SEO value, but you will also give the reader more encouragement to click the link if the subject interests them.


    • Christopher (admin team)

      I keyworded (if that’s a word) the title tag on the links, but I have changed that links altogether now… do you think it’s better?

      Thanks for stopping by, you are now part of the community!

      “I like what you are doing here.” – It would seem that loads of people do Tammi – more than I expected! I already have one guest post published, and another two (all from different authors) scheduled for late in the week! I can’t complain about the comments, and as for the traffic… its gone wild!

      Thanks for stopping by, please consider writing for Technology Bloggers and I hope to see you around again soon 🙂
      Christopher – Admin Team

      BTW, nice blog, just been and had a look around 🙂

  3. Hi..
    Congrats for your new blog site. Your article shows that you are looking for building a successful blog-site. Hope your blog comes up with new interesting and inspiring articles. I will definitely wait for the new charming blogs here.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Thanks for the confidence and encouragement Samantha!

      Remember it’s not just my blog, it’s the community’s, which means it’s yours too!

      Thanks for stopping by, don’t forget to check out my subscribe via email article, you can subscribe to this blog, and may even want to put a form on your blog ( which I have just checked out and think looks very sleek 😉 ) when you see how easy it it!

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Feeling great to have you join us Nasif!

      Thanks for stopping by and giving us some feedback 🙂
      Christopher – Admin Team

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