All about cloud computing

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is the management and provision of data and applications via the internet. In non technical jargon that basically means is that it is the storing your programs and documents on the internet, rather than on your computer.

What is an example of cloud computing?

If you watch the tv, you will probably have seen those adverts that promote laptops and phones which allow you to work anywhere because of the ability to store your data in the cloud.

This basically means that your device merely holds the operating system and sometimes the software. The date you access is stored on a server somewhere. This means that you can access your data from almost anywhere with multiple devices.

The good and the bad…

As with most things in life, cloud computing has positives and (you guessed it) negatives. Here is a list of the pros and the cons of cloud computing:

The Pros

  • Less hard disk space needed
  • Your computer runs much faster – like the Chromebooks are meant to (this is dependant on your internet connection)
  • You can access your data from anywhere at anytime
  • Most providers of cloud services, regularly backup your data, meaning if you loose some data or if they loose some, it shouldn’t be too hard to recover
  • Avoid costly hardware (and to some extent software) upgrades

The Cons

  • If your internet dies, you can’t access your data, and in the case of a Chromebook, you can’t even access your programs
  • Some security risks are removed (like if your PC is stolen, someone may steel your data too) but loads of new threats from corrupt employees, hackers etc. are born
  • The services (initially) probably won’t be as reliable as you would like them to be
  • Big brother is watching you! – every move you make online or in a cloud based application can be monitored by your provider
  • You need a really fast internet connection, both download and upload, to really feel the benefit of it – the problem is, most peoples download speed is really fast, but their upload speed is rubbish!

Where is cloud computing data stored?

Good question – presumably not in the clouds! Applications, data etc. would be stored in server farms. Server farms are massive, usually very cool (air conditioned to increase machine performance and to prevent overheating) areas, full of loads of server towers.

Server Room

A Server Room in a Server Farm

Google, Facebook and similar massive sites generally have their own server farms, which they often store underground, and they make sure that they are very well connected!

What’s your opinion on cloud computing? Is it the way of the future, or will it do more harm than good?

Get your hands on a Chrome laptop!

If you are a Googlite you probably got a bit excited about a year ago (I think) when Google announced that they were going to release an operating system.

Well in the last few days, Google has announced that it plans to bring out it’s own Chrome powered laptop in June this year!

What is the Google laptop going to be called?

I thought you might ask that 😉 Well, Google have decided that as the devices are going to be powered by Chrome, and because they are suppose to boot up in less than 10 seconds, they would be called Chromebooks.

Chrome is after the browser interface that they are based on and books as they boot up almost instantly, as you would expect a book to. You open it, and… it’s… there!

Who will make Chromebooks?

So far, Google have secured deals with Acer and Samsung to produce the laptops.

Where and for how much will Chromebooks be sold?

Initially you will be able to buy them for around $300-500 in the USA, and a similar equivalent price in 5 European countries.

A new kind of laptop

The laptops will be different from current laptops, as not only will they be much faster, but they will also be highly cloud dependant. This means that they are not ‘bogged down’ with loads of programs, and services, as they all run from the cloud. To make full use of the laptops, I imagine you will need a pretty good internet connection!

Chromebook Supported Apps

Apps that Google say you will be able to run on a Chromebook

The devices aren’t really as functional as your standard laptop, they will have much fewer features, but that does mean that they are faster.

How does Google describe them?

Like this!

Chromebooks are built and optimised for the web, where you already spend most of your computing time. So, you get a faster, simpler and more secure experience without all the headaches of ordinary computers.

Oh… and like this


15th of June 2011…

Peoples of the UK click here to find out more about Chromebook, my pals over in the US of A take a look at instead, pour nos amis Français visite et cetera.

Could you be a net champion?

Did you know around 9 million people in the UK have never used the internet?

That is why, this week the UK government announced that it has 100,000 people volunteering to be net champions.

What is a net champion?

A net champion is someone who helps someone else get online.

Who are the current net champions?

Many of the current volunteers are Scouts, Post Office workers and librarians.

Scouts 'be prepared' logoWhy try to help people get online

People in low income households save around £270 per year, just from being online. These savings may come via using tools like Skype, having the ability to shop around more, or by switching to better deals online.

The thing is many people, especially the elderly don’t realise this. Therefore helping and educating them should increase their ability to save money, and will hopefully also enrich their lives via using things like social media.

What if you don’t have a computer?

Some firms, including Microsoft have made available a range of cheap computers. These  low-priced ‘recycled’ PCs will be available from about £95.

The UK Prime Minister, David Cameron has backed the campaign. From what I have heard and read about it, it seems like a good idea to me too. What do you think, should we encourage more people onto the net, especially the elderly, or would they make the net a more dangerous place?

Would you consider volunteering?

A range of cheap computers is being made available to further entice them.The low-price recycled PCs will be available from Microsoft, among others, for about £95.