7 Apps You Must Have on Your iPhone 4S

iPhone 4S in black and whiteApple has made computing very easy by integrating some of the special functions of computer on mobile phones. The iPhone is a smartphone series made by Apple. These products are becoming increasingly popular that everybody boasts of owning one.

There are several things that your iPhone can do for you, if you just have the right app for it. From multimedia applications to GPS tracking applications, there is barely anything you can’t find for your iPhone in terms of applications.

The new iPhone 4S released by Apple is a super smartphone. Just in a few days after the launch of the mobile phone, several million copies have been ordered online and ISPs like AT&T have made more sales than ever from it.

But this iPhone 4S might only look more interesting if you have some apps that can make your iPhone 4S livelier.

1. Plants vs. Zombies

There is thrill in playing game on an iPhone. But, I’ve not been as thrilled as I was when I first played Plants vs. Zombies on an iPhone 4S. I’ve always played the game on my laptop computer and it’s always fun.

The truth is that everyone hates zombies, which justifies the reason you want to kill them. Install this game on your iPhone 4s and unleash your fury on these virtual zombies. But you have to be cautious when you start seeing the Michael Jackson Thriller dancers coming after you.

2. iTunes Movie Trailer

iTunes Movie Trailer allows you to watch trailers of movies in HD. You don’t want to miss any new movie and want to remain up to date about latest films. This app has an interestingly slick interface. You can also see popular trailers from various categories.

3. Starbucks

Isn’t it fun? You can now get all the information about Starbucks from your iPhone, directly through this application. You don’t need to start looking up the internet for useful information on Starbucks again.

Among the features of this application are store locator, food and beverage information and it also makes it easy for you to send gifts from Starbucks to your friend.

It also has amazing features like mobile pay. You can load your virtual Starbucks card with funds and can also have your personal barcode scanned at the register.

4. iMovie

Edit your movies on iPhone 4S with iMovie. iMovie allows you to make good movies in minutes by allowing you to add pictures, clips and music to help you bring out masterpiece movies.

iMovie is the one of the best tools for video editing. You can customize your video to your taste and likening. I think this is one of the most interesting apps for multimedia Apple has made for the iPhone.

 5. iCloud

Back up your important files on the cloud with iCloud for iPhone. Once you have iCloud on your iPhone 4S, you don’t have to worry about losing your files. It has also helped me with my weight watchers discounts and edits coupon blog.

It also makes it possible for you to have multiple backups for your special files. You can use you Mac, iPad and iPhone to backup the same file at a time, all secure and safe.

6. Angry Birds

Angry bird is a very popular puzzle game. Take revenge for the birds by attacking the green pigs busy stealing their eggs. The birds are who you fight for, and they are your weapons, too.

Angry birds looks perfect on iPhone 4S for the advanced player and is also challenging and along the line interesting for the new players.

7. Skype

You love to make video calls, who doesn’t? Skype is arguably the best video calling application you’ll have around. Make video calls directly from your iPhone 4S with Skype installed on it. Calling from Skype is also cheap.

You probably have tried it on your previous iPhone series? Well, it’s going to be more fun with iPhone 4S since the new iPhone model has a better and higher camera power.

Try out these apps on your iPhone 4S and come share your experience with us. You’ve tried them already? That’s great. Please share what you think about them with us.

Blackberry or crashberry?

Since Monday, UK users of Blackberry smart phones have been without email, Blackberry Messaging (BBM) and internet browsing has been very ‘hit and miss’ since Monday – the 1oth of October 2011.

For three days now UK Blackberry users have been without their phones primary functions, and now it has spread to the US. Earlier today USA users of Blackberry smart phones have also been complaining of a lack of messaging.

The problem is also thought to be affecting Africa and the Middle East. Basically Blackberry messaging systems seem to have ‘crashed’ right across the world.

Blackberry’s owner (RIM) has said that the initial problem was caused by core and back-up switch failures.

Basically, one of Research In Motion’s back-up systems didn’t do what they were supposed to when something went wrong with the service, resulting in a massive crash! The system is designed to ‘failover’ to a backup system if anything happens. This worked fine in testing, but when Blackberry actually needed it to work, it didn’t.

The Logo of BlackberryMobile phones were only initially designed to call and then text, however smart phones were designed to provide so much more, hence why people who have paid a premium to get one, are not best pleased at the moment.

Blackberry is currently rates the UK’s top smart phone, up there with Google’s Android systems and Apple’s iPhones, so considering it faces such tough it’s very important in terms of the phones future, for Blackberry to sort the issues out pretty soon!

Blackberry have started a section on their website called Service Update, where users can get info on the status of what’s going on with the issue, what Blackberry are doing to get on top of it, and hopefully soon how long it should be until services are running normally again.

So what do you think? Do you have a Blackberry? Are you satisfied with your service? How do you think this will affect Blackberry’s future in the smart phone market?

Windows 8 is on the way!

I have recently upgraded to Windows 7, which is why I kind of wasn’t that pleased when Microsoft announced (early last week) that it was getting set to launch its next operating system, Windows 8, some time next year – probably around April.

At the Build developers’ conference in California, Microsoft unveiled the new operating system, (no doubt still in early beta stages) and gave us a sneak peak at to what is in store in the next version of Windows.

They stated that the core foundation of Windows 8 was Windows 7, but better! To quote Steven Sinofsky exactly, he said:

…everything that was great about windows 7, well we took that and we made it even better in Windowws 8!

Despite saying this, this version of Windows OS looks like it has had a dramatic overall.

Windows is currently under more pressure than ever before in its long, domineering history. In the past the cheap, affordable and compatible OS, always used to be Microsoft’s Windows. Now however Apple are putting increasing pressure on Windows, along with Google’s new attempt to bring down the giant of Windows in the form of Chrome OS.

Hence why Windows 8 seems to be dramatically different to all previous versions of Windows.

So what is going to be different? Well for starters, for the first time ever, a Windows OS will be compatible with low power ARM-designed processors.

Also, from the glimpses and comments that Microsoft have currently given us/made, it looks like Microsoft are attempting to make Windows a more ‘family friendly’ operating system, in that it’s more of a media based OS. This is probably done to try and steer away from the classical view of Windows in that it is an operating system designed primarily for spreadsheets, documents and other work/business related tasks.

Windows 8 Start Screen

A glimpse at the probably new start screen design for Windows 8

In addition to this, Windows 8 will support touchscreen devices, possible Microsoft’s way of saying “get ready for Windows Tablet guys!” who knows.

Microsoft knows that it has to pull something pretty special out of the bag this time, or it could seriously loose its foot in the computing market, not only due to the increased competition, but also because users are slowly moving away from desktops and laptops, and towards smart phones and tablets.

That’s pretty much all the information I have at the moment, however no doubt we will have loads of updates on Technology Bloggers for you, as soon as we find out more about this new OS 🙂

What do you think and hope for with Windows 8? Do you speculate that it will be another Vista – i.e. slow and laggy, incompatible, riddle with bugs, and hated by many tech gurus, or will it be like Vista to 7, a breath of fresh air?