Three years ago today, on April the 13th 2011, Technology Bloggers was born. The blog has changed a lot over the years, however we have always stuck with the same theme. Today everything changes.
Today’s theme change is clearly the biggest visual change the blog has ever had.
We are now using a theme called Celebrate. There are many things I do not like about the new theme, but there were many things I didn’t like about TwentyTen, (our old theme) but slowly, over time I ironed out most of the creases.
The font is my main bugbear at the moment, but at least it is legible – Celebrate’s default font was very thin.
Feedback and suggestions are very welcome.
Anyway, watch this space.
Looking Back
Once in a while it doesn’t hurt to take a glance back to see how far the blog has come – in fact I believe it is probably quite healthy to review how we got to where we are – so here is a quick snapshot of Technology Bloggers progress, three years in.
- In February of this year, we received our 150,000th visit
- This month we hit a quarter of a million pageviews
- Earlier in the month we also received our 135,000th unique visitor
- The average time spent on the blog is 1 minute and 29 seconds – just enough time to read an article
- Over 80 people have written articles on Technology Bloggers
- Together we have published 499 articles – post 500 will be the first of a new era
- We have received over 4,400 comments from hundreds of different readers
- It is now possible to comment on articles through WordPress, Facebook and Google+
External Interaction
- In the last year we have gained hundreds of subscribers
- We now have almost 400 Twitter followers
- Over 300 people receive updates from Technology Bloggers on Facebook
- More than 230 people subscribe to our feed – with over 50 people subscribing via email
Looking Forward
I want Technology Bloggers to be more author focused from now on. The blog was founded as a community blog, to be focused on a strong base of authors – not just a lot of guest posts which is what we have seen in the past. I will be developing the theme to help promote the people behind the content. As always your suggestions and ideas will drive the blog forward.
Very soon we are going to be introducing a whole new wave of guest bloggers and authors – and maybe an editor or two as well.
I leave you with this: just look how far we have come…
Over and out. 🙂