WorldCard Mobile business card scanner app review

So do you deal with a lot of business cards? Do you have a Rolodex sitting pretty at your desk? Do you spend a lot of time browsing your card stack to find say, contact details of a nearby car mechanic, only to discover it later in your wallet? If yes, then you have got to buy the WorldCard Mobile app for iPhone.

WorldCard Mobile iPhone AppWorldCard Mobile, developed by PenPower Inc. is a business card scanner and management tool. All one has to do is point the camera and take a picture. The app scans the card using optical character recognition (OCR) to label all the fields of the business card and uploads them to the phone book. Now this is a time saver and a pretty nifty job from the developers, only I wish, I knew of this earlier.

Now all is not gold with the app. I tested about 20 different cards each with different styling, graphics and color combinations and would say almost 80% of the cards were recognized spot-on, except for a few that came with dark color schemes, uncommon names etc. needed manual re-entering.

Also, I noticed that the lighting of the environment in which the cards were captured also affected the recognition and would recommend doing your scans in a brightly lit-up room, when you capture cards using the app.

One more point to be talked about is the user interface of the app. A simpler easy-to-use user interface with intuitive help features will certainly take the app to the next level. The app has already won a lot of deserving accolades and a better UI will certainly prove to be fruitful.

Final thoughts are, if you deal with a lot of business cards, then this app is a must have. The app works great and is available for Ā£3.99 in the iTunes store. You can download the WorldCard Mobile app from iTunes here. Go try it out and let know of your thoughts in the comments section.

36 thoughts on “WorldCard Mobile business card scanner app review

  1. Thanks for the information. I had no idea that such a thing even exists and I still use usual paper cards or just send someone my profile and that’s all. It can be much easier for me to work with cards after installing the app.

    • Yeah, I too dint know such a thing existed before I heard it from one of my friend about 6 months ago. There are plenty of such amazing apps available in iTunes and I have been shopping around there for some time now šŸ™‚

      • Christopher (admin team)

        Hi Ron, great to see you are replying to comments šŸ™‚

        Just one quick thing to note: There is no need to write “@DiNaRa” at the start of the comment, as all you really need to do is hit the Reply button underneath the comment you are replying to.

        This not only nests the reply below the original comment, but it also sends the original commenter your reply via email! We use a clever plugin called ReplyMe to achieve this šŸ™‚

        Happy replying!

  2. Everything is going paperless now. The big piece of A4 sized document had been constantly advised to digitized it and keep it as a safe copy for environment friendly sake. Now even name cards are kept as soft copy. If the application can send own name card to your customer during some meeting or presentation, then we don’t have to say “Aiks, I left my name cards in the office” when we forgot to bring one.

    Nice sharing there ~

    • Hey Alan,

      Yes it seems that almost most of the things are going paperless today. I remember the days when I used to visit the local center for applying a job and the guy in the desk had a huge pile of applications sitting pretty.

      Nowadays its just the computers šŸ™‚

  3. The idea without paper is great, as we are going to take care of the enviroment. I have heard about the app, but I have never used it before. I think I need to use it.

    • Hey Anna,

      Yes most of the things are going paperless today, but we got to be careful that the hardware that these technology are built-on are too recycled in an environment friendly way.

      And, yes you got to try the app out.

  4. Great review chris. I guess an accuracy of 80% is not bad for a start. Piles of business card holders can finally be converted into digital form using minimal effort.
    Also, there are many more implications of the OCR technology being developed these days which will make life much easier in the future. eg. Sixth sense
    By interfacing this technology with the internet, you could click a photo of some text and google could find stuff related to the text and show it to you.

  5. I don’t have this app myself but I have seen it in action and I have to admit that it’s pretty impressive! I may pick it up after reading this review, I just don’t know if I really do enough with business cards to spend the money… But hey, it’s only $3.99, right? šŸ™‚

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Ā£3.99 – slightly more when you work out exchange rates, but still a good deal don’t you think?

    • You got to take a picture of the business card and it recognizes all the fields automatically, you do not have to type anything unless there is a mistake in the recognition šŸ™‚

  6. Not a bad app for those money, but they need to fix those glitches. You won’t always be in a brightly lit room when you scan a card.

  7. Christopher : The idea of this app is simply marvelous. It will make life a lot easier for those of us who have a wallet full of business cards and at times we just can’t find the one we need. It seems to have some flaws, but I’m sure that it will be 100% working in a couple of months.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      I know it is!

      FYI, at the bottom of each article there is a bit about the author (usually including a short bio, an avatar and their name) this article was written by Ron, as you can now see, but replying to me is no problem either šŸ™‚

  8. I’ve been to a couple of networking events recently, and the amount of business cards I’ve received when I go is definitely worth getting something like this… I got SO tired of putting everyone’s information in my phone!!


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