We need YOU!

Technology Bloggers needs more guest bloggers. I have been writing loads of late, and I have been really pleased with the three other bloggers who have posted so far.


I know that I am going to be very busy soon. This means I won’t be posting as much. What do I want from you? Your writing.

Technology Bloggers needs you to write for us!Need to be persuaded? Check out the write for us page.

Please help write for our community blog 🙂

Bloggers needed!

Look what WE have achieved!

Wow… two weeks ago today, Technology Bloggers didn’t exist. The blog was in the final stages of preparation, I was tweaking the last few settings, and checking the wording of articles.

Two weeks ago, the blog looked like this

Technology Bloggers Launch

Technology Bloggers hours before it's launch

Basically, 14 day’s ago, this blog didn’t exist. Two weeks on, I have been blown away by what we have managed to achieve.

When most blogs start up, it usually takes a good few months to get the ball fully rolling, establish a good base of commenters and to fully populate the archives with posts from many different authors.

Technology Bloggers, my blog, your blog, our blog has done it in just two weeks.

So what has been achieved?

  • 14 unique, quality articles have been written, by 4 fantastic authors
  • Over 85 comments from 22 different commenters
  • 2 pingback from 2 different blogs
  • 15 user accounts created, many of which are now getting to work on new content for the blog
  • An Alexa traffic rank of 1,400,516516, meaning that it is in the top 1,400,516516 of websites on the internet, just 2 weeks after its launch!

How on earth have we achieved this?

As a member of the admin team, I have done a few things which I believe have massively increased the traffic, encouraged people to comment, and attracted guest authors.

What are those things? Well, that’s another post! I hope to ‘reveal all’ in the very near future, so stay tuned!