Get your hands on a Chrome laptop!

If you are a Googlite you probably got a bit excited about a year ago (I think) when Google announced that they were going to release an operating system.

Well in the last few days, Google has announced that it plans to bring out it’s own Chrome powered laptop in June this year!

What is the Google laptop going to be called?

I thought you might ask that 😉 Well, Google have decided that as the devices are going to be powered by Chrome, and because they are suppose to boot up in less than 10 seconds, they would be called Chromebooks.

Chrome is after the browser interface that they are based on and books as they boot up almost instantly, as you would expect a book to. You open it, and… it’s… there!

Who will make Chromebooks?

So far, Google have secured deals with Acer and Samsung to produce the laptops.

Where and for how much will Chromebooks be sold?

Initially you will be able to buy them for around $300-500 in the USA, and a similar equivalent price in 5 European countries.

A new kind of laptop

The laptops will be different from current laptops, as not only will they be much faster, but they will also be highly cloud dependant. This means that they are not ‘bogged down’ with loads of programs, and services, as they all run from the cloud. To make full use of the laptops, I imagine you will need a pretty good internet connection!

Chromebook Supported Apps

Apps that Google say you will be able to run on a Chromebook

The devices aren’t really as functional as your standard laptop, they will have much fewer features, but that does mean that they are faster.

How does Google describe them?

Like this!

Chromebooks are built and optimised for the web, where you already spend most of your computing time. So, you get a faster, simpler and more secure experience without all the headaches of ordinary computers.

Oh… and like this


15th of June 2011…

Peoples of the UK click here to find out more about Chromebook, my pals over in the US of A take a look at instead, pour nos amis Français visite et cetera.

Some serious trouble with user spam

Technology Bloggers is currently experiencing a big problem with user spam. Basically people are adding accounts and then posting articles which have also been posted on many other blogs – completely voiding our writer policy.

To try and solve the issue, you now have to apply to become a contributor.

SPAM Stops Here!I have set up an new page where you can apply to become a contributor. I will approve your application and send you details of your account and how to login – it just wont be instant like it used to be.

By all means get your article ready, and as soon as I email you with details of your account, you can schedule it.

A warning to all writers and potential writers

A guy called Andy Groaning wrote some seemingly original content for Technology Bloggers recently. This was published on Monday.

WARNING!I did a quick check today, and it turns out that the article was also published elsewhere, just before we posted it (as it was scheduled).

Our post guidelines specifically say

You can repost the content on your own site 3 days after it has been published on Technology Bloggers, as long as it has a dofollow link to the article, and if possible (not necessary but thoughtful) to Technology Bloggers

Duplicate content can kill a blog – it can make search engines hate you. This is why we have this rule. One very selfish person like Andy could bring down the entire community blog. Bye bye community, bye bye great content, bye bye everyone’s dofollow links etc.

Before guest posting, please read our post guidelines or your post will be rejected.

Andy also had two other posts in the queue for moderation, these were both launched elsewhere already.

Andy you have lost your links, your article and your profile. I have also notified the other blogs involved, so you can expect a big loss in links soon.

Let this be a warning to others – duplicate content will be destroyed.