Steve Jobs – remembering a legend

Steve Jobs, co-founder, chairman and chief executive of Apple – one of the biggest, most profitable and most well known brands around the world.

Unfortunately, yesterday, Steve Jobs has passed away, aged 56.

Many believe that Apple is where it is because of this remarkable man, and say that without him, Apple would most probably have failed many years ago.

Jobs was a one of the kind sort of man. He was for many years the face of Apple, as it seemed that nobody could ever really match his charisma, innovation or genius.

When the firm was struggling in the 1990’s, Jobs returned, and saved the business, setting it on its path to become the second most widely used global operating system.

In 2003 Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He took leave three times between 2003 and 2010, before finally resigning as CEO in August 2011, because of fears over his health.

Jobs was one of the richest men in the world when he died, and was also one of the most well known and influential people of modern times.

It is said that Apple’s marketing department used to consisted of Jobs looking in his mirror and asking himself what he wanted.

Apple’s competitor Google has paid tribute to Jobs on the home page of its global search engines.

Google's Tribute to Steve JobsThe link on Google’s home page leads to Apple’s homepage, which has a tribute to its maker, which takes up the entire page – just showing how important he was to the company.

Apple's tribute to Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs on the home page of Apple, as a tribute to the man who many believe made the company a success

If you click on his picture, you are taken to a page which pay’s tribute to the legend in the classic Apple way – a clear, white page, with just a paragraph of text paying tribute to him.

Apple's tribute paragraph to Steve Jobs

A paragraph featured on Apple’s site, paying tribute to Steve Jobs

Today the world has lost a great man, and has been left many unanswered questions.

Who will take over from Jobs? Will Apple now become just another technology giant, lacking in personality, eventually destined for decline and failure?

RIP Steve Jobs

20 thoughts on “Steve Jobs – remembering a legend

    • Christopher (admin team)

      He was, and a global one at that…

      Thanks for your comment, welcome to the community 🙂
      Christopher – Admin Team

  1. A very big loss for the whole world.
    One of his best quotes – “Apple honours those people who have changed the world. Some of them are living, some of them are not. But the ones that aren’t, as you’ll see, you know that if they’d ever used a computer it would’ve been a MAC !”
    Steve jobs, U will be greatly missed.

  2. He was a great and genious man who really changed the world of technology and the innovation. I wonder what will happen to Apple after he passed away.

  3. I was never a big fan of Apple or its products for various reasons (although the first computer I ever used was an old Apple) but the story of Steve Jobs life was still inspiring to me. His Stanford speech is well worth watching if you haven’t seen it, I think it ranks up there with Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture video as one of the most inspirational things I’ve ever seen. YouTube those anytime you need a dose of inspiration to kick you in the pants and make you want to create something.

  4. It is sad that the world had lost Steve Job. He is one of the most influential man around where his speech can really teach people something. Not to forget, we will also miss the presentation that he had made on all the Apple products.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      He was very charismatic and funny wasn’t he Alan.

      At the launch of the iPhone, to prove that it was functional, he called up Starbucks and said
      “I would like to order 4,000 lattes to go please, no just kidding, wrong number, thank you”
      provoking huge laughter from his audience 🙂

      • That was unexpected. I was expecting after he found the Starbucks that he wants and will leave it as it is. There are couple of surprise that Jobs had given to the audience. Every important keynote, there is a surprise and I hope one day in our generation, we can have someone like him 😉

  5. The legend has gone and RIP. A lot of great people leave the world and we will never see them again and I only hope that in future we will have one more Steve Jobs

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Steve Jobs should be remembered for all the good he has done.

      Thanks for the comment, welcome to the Technology Bloggers community 🙂
      Christopher – Admin Team

  6. What differs Steve Jobs to other genius or popular personalities in various industries is his goal in life. His goal to change the world not only for his own benefit but also for the benefit of all the people around the world. That makes sense why others who personally know him can totally feel a great lost in their lives. The goodness of his heart will truly be the greatest inspiration.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      He was always setting himself goals, and it it true that he was and I a sure still is, and inspiration to millions.

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