PageRank update alert!

This is just a really quick article to let you know that there has literally just been a Google PageRank update!

Despite being less than three months old, Technology Bloggers has manged to achieve a PageRank of 2! This is truly amazing and wonderful news for everyone in the community!

Technology Bloggers LogoCheck out your site(s) and see if you have had any changes. If so, let us know!

For more information on PageRank, please check out these resources:

I hope the update has been good to you too 🙂

37 thoughts on “PageRank update alert!

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Bravo! I was quite suprised actually, dropped from a 10 to a 9!

      Thanks for the congrats, hope to see you around again soon 🙂
      Christopher – Admin Team

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Thanks Chadrack.

      I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it would seem that you have increased to a PageRank 3, from I believe a 0 and your traffic ranking is pretty darn good too!

      Sorry for the deception there, it was all light hearted!
      Well done my friend 🙂

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Wow, nice one! That’s quite a leap and an achievement in itself 🙂

      Great to see a new face around here benefiting from our dofollow community!

      Hope to see you again soon 🙂
      Christopher – Admin Team

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Great work! Your blog is looking in pretty good shape to me 🙂

      BTW, the sort of stuff you write about seems to be right up our street, have you ever considered guest posting for us? It has loads of benefits!

      Check out our write for us page 🙂

        • Christopher (admin team)

          “I had been finding ways to get my site noticed on the internet. Perhaps writing for TechnologyBloggers could do a good help. “ – I think your probably right there, just three months old and yet a PageRank of 2 and a traffic rank of 235,244, a pretty powerful blog which can be very useful to guest bloggers 😉

          Can’t access my emails just right now, but I should be able to review your application in the next day or so. In the mean time if you want you could get started on your first article for submission when your account goes live 🙂

          Thanks for the interest
          Christopher – Admin Team

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Thanks Hayley, but remember this is a community blog, so it’s not just good news for me, it’s good news for the entire community (including our fantastic authors) which includes you!

      Thinking of writing an article any time soon? Your benefits have now increased 😉

      Thanks Hayley for the comment and your contribution to this blog!
      Christopher – Admin Team

    • Christopher (admin team)

      I doubt there will be another update that soon Anna, but I would love to see our blog on a 4 too 🙂

  1. You have bounced me from PR4 to PR3 ;~(

    I have recently followed Kirsti’s advice to add POST Rank to my Google Reader. Interesting, but I’m still debating how useful it is to me.

    Google Page Rank updates, so seldom, so erratically (thanks for telling me about this one) that I now prefer to use Icerocket. Which is live!

  2. Hey, i noticed your pagerank, congrats on it! It’s probably gonna get to at least 4 before the next update.
    Some of my websites also got a PR boost, mostly 1 and 2, but i can’t complain. It’ better than nothing.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      In answer to the former: We don’t know.
      In answer to the later: From the first question you may guess that the answer is no :-/

      They usually do one in Jan/Feb and when there are any major algorithm changes, but its very hard to guess, I don’t even think Google have a set calendar of updates – I may be wrong though.

  3. My website got PR 3 but subsequently received Google penalty until right now. What’s the use of PageRank, if you don’t have traffic?

    • Christopher (admin team)

      How do you mean you have ‘received a Google penalty’ until now?

      Bravo on your current rank 🙂

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Oh well, good luck for the future, although PageRank isn’t a massive indicator of the success of a blog, is it?

  4. There’s no surprise here. I can see that all the things are carefully in place. I feel that this blog has been around for years already. From the way the conversations flow in the comments to the type of posts that you release – everything just seems perfect. Congrats! Just a matter of time before you get to the first spot.

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