Why you should use and update CommentLuv

Just to let you know this is my (Christopher Roberts’s) 50th post on Technology Bloggers!

CommentLuv is a fantastic plugin which helps commenters get more out of their commenting experience.

Technology Bloggers has the CommentLuv plugin installed and enabled. This means that when you comment here, you get to ‘show off’ one of your recent articles by ticking the CommentLuv box, and because we are a dofollow blog, that also gives you a dofollow link back to your article.

I believe that using CommentLuv makes your commenting system more fair, and therefore increases your commenters, good PR and subsequently traffic.

As a commenter, to use it all you need to do is input your URL in the normal URL field, and then tick the CommetLuv box. If you are a registered CommentLuv member then the plugin will go to your feed and bring up your latest posts. If you are not registered, it will spider your site for an RSS feed and then return the posts from that.

So CommentLuv is great for commenters and blogger. But what’s the customer service like? Well the reply to that is fantastic!

Earlier in the week there was a CommentLuv update (2.90.8) but all wasn’t good. On Wednesday I realised that all comments were showing the CommentLuv text, even if the CommentLuv box was not ticked, or a URL present.

I fiddled with the settings, but it didn’t seem to work. So I contacted the CommentLuv team for support. Now in the past I have contacted plugin owners and it has been weeks until I got a response. However it took Andy Bailey (the plugin author) just 11 minutes!

He left a comment and saw the problem.

Andy Bailey's comment showing the CommentLuv faultHe then quickly updated the plugin and sent me it via email, asking me to beta test it, to check the issue was resolved. His second comment (below) shows that it was 🙂

Andy Bailey's comment showing that CommentLuv was fixedNow unfortunately this means that you now need to update to CommentLuv 2.90.9. Okay, Technology Bloggers is to blame for the update, sorry folks, but hey, it works great here now 🙂

Going to comment? Give CommentLuv a try.
Got a blog? Why not install CommentLuv on it?
Already using CommentLuv? Please update to 2.90.9 🙂

What are your thoughts on CommentLuv?

Thank you Andy Bailey from all of us here at Technology Bloggers 🙂

29 thoughts on “Why you should use and update CommentLuv

  1. I just started CommentLuv on my blog after taking the suggestion from Christopher sometime around last month and hope it does not attract too many spammers in. I do encourage bloggers to comment on my blog by auto-approve all the comments now but moderate them later. Hope this move is a good one 🙂

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Let us know how you got on Alan, you could even write an article here, telling our community whether my persuasion lead you to greater commenting success, or not…

      That would be sure to create a good bit of PR for your site – “Oow, a CommentLuv blog, must check that out!” 😉

      • You are right that I need a good PR to start with. At the moment I’m not really looking for a huge change in traffic until my PR turns better. By the way, looks like you just back from some sort of holiday. Had been missing for quite some time 🙂

        • Christopher (admin team)

          I have just made a classic blogger error, I meant Public Relations PR not PageRank PR, sorry for any misunderstanding 😛

          Regarding the holiday: Yeah, just got back from South Africa! It was great 🙂

          Had been missing for quite some time – Awww… it’s good to know that I’m appreciated 😉

  2. Do you mean there is a new update for commentluv? Well, I’ll definitely update but I’ll be cautious. The previous update gave me a whole lot of problems but after much trying it worked. Let’s hope that this one solve a whole lot of issues.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      I like the spirit of this place. Every one seems so helpful and real. Great work here chris. – Thank you very much 🙂

      For the record AJ it’s Christopher not chris!

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Good to here that it has been working well for you Dan 🙂

      Thanks for your contribution, you are now part of the Technology Bloggers community!
      Christopher – Admin Team

  3. I’m glad I decided to install commentluv a few months ago. I always figured that allowing people to add their links all over the comments would ruin the experience of the page. However the opposite is true by allowing people to leave useful comments that adds to the page overall feel, which in turn leads to a better visitor experience.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      I find that CommentLuv really does encourage more people to comment!

      Thanks for your comment Rob, welcome to the Technology Bloggers community 🙂
      Christopher – Admin Team

  4. Some sites are having some issues with commentluv plugin too. These sites are only getting 1 out of 10 (should) result of this plugin, while for some, I’m actually getting more than 10 results. It’s pretty weird but looks like the haven’t updated their commentluv plugin anyway.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      The thing is, with good spam systems, you shouldn’t get a trouble with dofollow abuse, also KeywordLuv is virtually useless without a dofollow plugin!

      Oh well… thanks for adding your view and welcome to Technology Bloggers.
      Christopher – Admin Team

  5. I agree! CommentLuv is wonderful! Thank you, Andy Bailey! Oh, and Christopher, no prob on updates – thank you for pointing out a need. 🙂 I chuckled when I read “PR.” CommentLuv helps with “page rank” and “public relations,” if you will. It helps to build community. Hey, if it were not for CommentLuv, I would not have found your blog!

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Well it’s good to know that you have found us Deborah! May I ask how CommentLuv helped?

      Thanks for taking the time to comment, welcome to the blog 🙂
      Christopher – Admin Team

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