The Power of WordPress

So what is WordPress? Well, put simply, it is everything you are looking at right now. This article is WordPress. This blog is WordPress. In fact, over 25 million blogs and websites worldwide are built on a strong WordPress foundation, and WordPress sites receive tens of millions of visitors every single day. It is used by everyone from casual bloggers like myself to celebrities and large businesses. This is one of the main contributions to its power – it’s infinitely flexible.

It is so flexible in fact, that most times you wouldn’t even realise that you are looking at a WordPress powered site. While most casual users will opt for a basic theme like the one you see here, this is by no means fixed. With some clever designing a theme can be manipulated or even written from scratch to produce a totally unique and wholly professional look. The site need not even follow a conventional blog layout. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination… (and coding skills!)

The Official WordPress LogoIf you’re one of those people that runs a mile at the slightest sniff of some PHP or HTML, then there’s no need to worry! WordPress prides itself on its ‘famous 5-minute installation’ and it really is that simple. It requires no coding knowledge whatsoever which is ideal for companies who need a quick, easy to maintain site and for standard bloggers who often have no knowledge of web languages at all. For a WordPress admin, the ‘dashboard’ is their home. From here, they can add posts, edit posts, add new users, approve comments, and even change the entire look and feel of the site in a few simple clicks – with not a scrap of code in sight!

So, you ask me, what’s the catch? How much will this cost me? The answer – nothing. That’s right, WordPress is completely free and open source. It started in 2003 as a couple of lines of code and has subsequently grown exponentially to become the framework it is now. But one thing has remained the same: it was designed ‘by developers, for developers’, and the community at WordPress are happy to help with any issues or queries. After all, your suggestion may help them to improve the project for everyone’s benefit. Everybody is a member of WordPress, and this is its power. It’s globally useful, it’s globally flexible, it’s globally accessible, and it’s globally free.

8 thoughts on “The Power of WordPress

  1. Christopher (admin team)

    What a fantastic article Matt!

    A brilliant description of the very ‘engine’ that powers this blog.

    I lover WordPress, I think it is better than any other blogging platform that I have tried so far – which is why Technology Bloggers is powered by it 🙂

    Congratulations on becoming Technology Bloggers second author!

  2. For my first blog, years ago, i use another platform because i found it simpler at that time. However, i was forced to turn to wordpress soon as it had a lot more plugins and a wider support base.
    The change was a little sad but i don’t regret it, wordpress is the best right now.

  3. I have been using WordPress for 4 months now and it has been an amazing experience from the first day. There are so many plugins and such a great community where you can find help and tips.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Thanks for the comment Thomas, I know exactly what you mean, WordPress is just fantastic!

  4. I really think WordPress is going to be the platform where all websites will be built in the future. Imagine the developments it’ll do 15 years from now? WordPress made it possible for anyone to have a website of their own.

  5. WordPress is incredibly flexible, and like you said it’s so much more than just a blog platform. I’m currently using it for a static site with an incorporated blog. Plus, with all the themes and plugins that are available you can do pretty much anything you want with your site or blog.

  6. I appreciate our post on WordPress. I’ve been using WordPress for a couple years now. And have thought about leaving the .COM site of WordPress to take the plunge into the .ORG side of these. You helped me to overcome a few subconscious myths I held near and dear about the complexity of getting on the self hosted wagon.

    Now I’m going to pull this task off my @SomeDayMaybe list and get at it!

    What would you say off hand are some of the limitations I may run into using WordPress as a business site – nature of the business being to advertise IT support services for small business owners, and blogging about those offerings.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      I personally prefer a WordPress powered blog to a blog, it gives you much more flexibility and is more customisable 🙂

      Thanks for the comment Tunde, welcome to Technology Bloggers!
      Christopher – Admin Team

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