20 thoughts on “Gravatar – are you making use of it?

  1. Gravatar is a must, not only add a personal touch to your photo, but also provides you a unique identify which a name might fail to provide in a long run. Thanks for sharing the wholesome tutorial to create Gravatar and its importance.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      You are welcome Amit, good to see you making good use of the service!

      Thanks for the comment, welcome to the community!
      Christopher – Admin Team

  2. Agreed!! Not many people are aware about Gravatar. Though it’s a great way to tell other people who you’re by showing your personal image or your company logo. It also helps you to build more personal relations as people would know each other by face.

  3. I started using Gravatar about a year ago and it has been quite a help to me. I love how well it works. More people should start using it so we have a picture to everyone’s name.


    • Christopher (admin team)

      It is always better (I think) to see a face or familiar logo than a random or generic picture.

  4. Hi Chris, πŸ™‚ I like using Gravatar. Yes, its so nice if you upload pictures on your profile. Its more formal and its good when you’re communicating to the readers and website owner if you use your picture—its more personal.

    Thank you.

    All the best,


    • Christopher (admin team)

      Hi Joseph, I know what you mean, it does make blogging much more personal, a face or familiar image can really help foster community!

      Please note, it is Christopher not Chris!

      Thanks for the comment, and welcome to the blog πŸ™‚
      Christopher – Admin Team

  5. Very useful post Christopher. I would like to add that many bloggers are refusing to accept comments without gravatars. It is quick and simple to upload and certainly adds a more human touch when making comments on blogs.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      and certainly adds a more human touch when making comments on blogs.” – you have hit the nail on the head there Neil!

      Thanks for adding your view, welcome to Technology Bloggers πŸ™‚
      Christopher – Admin Team

  6. Most bloggers are using Gravatar for sure. Now my question is what should be the proper picture to put into it? Is it something about your business or your own pic. I’m not really that good looking so I chose not to put my own pic. I don’t want to distract my readers lol.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Interesting point, I personally think a website/company logo or a picture of you is the best. Interesting VW avatar πŸ˜‰

      Thanks for the comment Edward, welcome to the blogging community!
      Christopher – Admin Team

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Really? Not all bloggers want to use Facebook for comments, also WordPress uses Gravatars for author bio pics too.

      Thanks for adding your opinion Josh, welcome to Technology Bloggers!
      Christopher – Admin Team

  7. Gravatar is underrated, I love having a personal photo up it makes for a more welcoming comment section to a blog. If you see friendly faces you will want to comment more!

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Hence why Technology Bloggers, as a community blog, uses Gravatar!

      Thanks for adding your view Adrianna, always good to see a new face around here πŸ™‚
      Christopher – Admin Team

    • Christopher (admin team)

      As a community blog, we strongly encourage the use of them, however I have a personal belief that everyone should be able to comment, so we don’t stop people without them from commenting here Wade πŸ™‚

      Thanks for adding your view, welcome to Technology Bloggers!
      Christopher – Admin Team

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