Win $150 thanks to Technology Bloggers 3 blog competition!

Today marks the launch of Technology Bloggers second ever competition, with a total prize fund of $150 USD PayPal cash!

Win one of 3 $50 prizes in our $150 giveaway!Technology Bloggers has teamed up with two other blogs to provide 3 $50 USD prizes in a $150 joint blog giveaway!

You can enter for your chance to win one of our $50 prizes, and it couldn’t be easier!

For many of us at the moment, times are hard. The global economy is currently trying to recover from an economic downturn, meaning in many countries unemployment high and inflation is eroding the purchasing power of your money.

Given the above, what reason is there for you not to enter our three blog giveaway? Thanks to our competition, you and two other people could soon be $50/£32/€40 better off!

Enough talk from me, scroll down to start entering the competition!

Remember, the more options you enter, the greater the chance you have of winning!

Please note: Winners will have all their entries verified. Should you win and claim to have done something, but have not, you will be disqualified, and another winner will be randomly chosen.


Don’t forget to look up ↑ and check the terms and conditions!

Come back tomorrow to gain more entries!

The giveaway is open world wide, and will end at 12:01am on Saturday the 11th of August 2012 EST (GMT-4).

Winners will be emailed shortly after the competition ends, and will have 5 days (120 hours) to respond and claim their winnings.

Good luck everyone! 🙂

21 thoughts on “Win $150 thanks to Technology Bloggers 3 blog competition!

  1. Thanks for organising this giveaway. I have completed all the entries and now hoping for the best. It’s quite a long term giveaway so will have to wait for a month to get my $501

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Hi Asif, I have checked the widget and see you have indeed entered two options – worth a total of 6/54 entries. There are another 48 possible entries you could earn, which would dramatically improve your chances.

      Currently you have a 1.9% chance of winning. Were you to complete the 48 more possible entries you would have a 17.1% chance of winning!

      Remember you can come back every day to gain more entries via tweeting about the giveaway and Facebook sharing it.

      Best of luck, thanks for entering, also thanks for the comment and welcome to the blog 🙂
      Christopher – Admin Team

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Just checked the widget, and you have edited most of the info you need to!

      You are very close to having them all done, but four of your 11 entries need just a little bit more info.

      Basically, log in to the widget, scroll down to:
      – Follow @TecBloggers on Twitter – click edit and add in the box ‘com_howtoguide’
      – Follow @Blogging_Fever on Twitter – click edit and add in the box ‘com_howtoguide’
      – Follow @Techatlast on Twitter – click edit and add in the box ‘com_howtoguide’
      – Subscribe to Technology Bloggers Via Email – click edit and enter your email address in the box

      After each option be sure to click ‘Do It’/’Save’ when you finish the option – the big green button in the bottom right!

      Thanks and good luck Peter 🙂

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Thanks for letting us know Katie. Just checked and the link was correct, just the name needed tweaking – i.e. you could subscribe, it just told you you were subscribing to something else! Fixed now 🙂

      Thanks for the feedback, welcome to the blog 🙂
      Christopher – Admin Team

  2. Hi, I just entered the forms but both subscriptions by email just gave me a box saying “This feed does not support subscription by email” or something like that. I’ve still entered my email address for both so that you could manually subscribe me please. 🙂

    Thank you


    • Christopher (admin team)

      The Technology Bloggers one was working, so I am not sure why you had trouble.

      There was a fault with Blogging Fever’s subscription form, this is now fixed.

      I have added your email to both, you now need to confirm the subscription links you get via email, and you are good to go 🙂

      Thanks for the feedback, welcome to the blog.
      Christopher – Admin Team

      • Christopher, thank you for getting back to me. I must have tested the same one twice or something silly. It doesn’t surprise me…I’d lose my head if it wasn’t screwed on! lol

        I’ve confirmed both subscriptions. Thank you for doing that for me. 🙂 x

        • Christopher (admin team)

          Sorry to here your continued problems, I am not sure what to suggest.

          Oh well, you are subscribed now 🙂

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Rafflecopter uses a random generator to choose a winner, so unfortunately manners wont improve your chances of winning, however I can say good luck and thanks for entering 🙂

      Thanks for adding your feedback Amit, welcome to the community!
      Christopher – Admin Team

  3. Thanks for giving me the opportunity of chance and luck i appreciate it come on lucky number seven plus my birthday is aug 11 how weird. Have a nice day.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      As I have said to everyone else Brandon, the Rafflecopter widget winner generator is random, so I have no influence over the winner, but I can wish you the best of luck 🙂

      Thanks very much for adding a comment, welcome to our blog’s community!
      Christopher – Admin Team

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Thanks Wendy. I don’t reply to all comments, only ones that I feel warrant a reply. If it is a comment on another writers article, I may leave it for the original writer to reply.

      Thanks for stopping by, welcome to the blog 🙂
      Christopher – Admin Team

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