Personalised ads for you

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Advertising is a key element in the operation of a business. People learn about new products, special item sales and clearance sales through advertising. Entrepreneurs know that the key to selling products is to let buyers know that the products they need and want are available at reasonable prices.

Since many people sell similar products, advertisers realise that the best chance for selling a product is to find an interested buyer. Therefore, some advertisers specialise in compiling lists of targeted customers. They know that sending advertisements to uninterested people is a waste of time and money. In addition, if they can guarantee a targeted list, they can charge more for advertising.

Finding a targeted buyer is only the beginning. It’s true that if the product is really good, it will sell itself. However, with many competitors trying to sell to the same buyers, advertisers must be more innovative. They must have more than a picture of the product, and a sign that says “Buy this!” to succeed. They must use their imaginations and modern technology to present their products in an engaging manner.

Buy our product - we're on a billboardTwo technological events have made the advertisers’ dreams come true, by revolutionising advertising. They are the Open Internet Exchange and Phorm Technology.

Open Internet Exchange

Modern technology has created the perfect showplace for the computing and electronic industries. The Open Internet Exchange places the buyers and sellers in an area that belongs to them. It is the perfect place to introduce new products and sell old products at a reduced price. In addition, it is the businessman’s dream because it offers the opportunity to reduce costs of manufacturing and purchasing. It increases the efficiency of supply chain management.

Phorm Technology Targets Customers

Advertisers who insist that their targeted customer list be valid have the perfect guarantee with In order to access this site, you would use the site name. However, if you are randomly searching for sites related to education, schools, training, types of learning and other similar subjects, your profile suggests that you are interested in education.

Since specialises in kinesthetic learning, you will discover the various ways that they combine learning with physical activity. Without knowing it, you have become a member of the targeted group. With the presentation of their ad, you may decide to take advantage of the training, or you may ignore it.

How it Works

Phorm has contracted with Internet Service Providers to offer a program that tracks a user’s browser to compile user interest content for advertising. The program is free, but the user must choose to use it.

When the program is chosen, a random number is attached to the user’s browser and used to track every website that the user visits. After the user’s interest content is compiled, the user is given the latest information about his search. The web is searched for news stories, blogs and videos so that the user may access the latest information available.

Will Apple take retail salaries to new heights?

Early on Monday, June 18th, Business Insider reported that all Apple Store employees would be getting $4 per hour raises. Later on the 18th, Business Insider edited their article on this subject and asserted that they weren’t sure anymore if all Apple Store employees would actually be getting raises of this kind.

Business Insider’s initial claim about the wide-scale increases in pay was based on information provided to them by one source at Apple, who claimed that the technology giant was giving its retail employees significant raises after many of them had expressed disappointment with their wages on Apple employee satisfaction surveys. Since Business Insider initially published the news story on this subject, other sources at Apple have publicly announced that they haven’t heard anything about the $4 per hour pay increases.

If all Apple Store employees do actually get a $4 per hour increase in pay, Apple will certainly make history in the retail arena, where 2% raises every year are the norm. In some areas of the U.S., Apple Store employees only make around $9 per hour. So, a $4 per hour raise would mean that their pay was increasing by almost 50%. If this happened, the Apple Store would certainly not only become a more attractive place for college students to work if they were trying to maximize their pocket change and minimize their student debt. It would also become an attractive place to work for just about everyone who’s unemployed right now. You couldn’t necessarily live in the lap of luxury on an Apple retail salary (even with the $4 per hour raise), but it would certainly beat many other minimum wage alternatives by a long shot in terms of pay.

Lots of Apple Experts

Specialists who work in Apple stores – known as Apple Experts

News sources had previously reported that Apple employees would be getting 5% increases in pay at some point this summer. A 5% increase in pay is nothing to laugh at, but it pales in comparison to a 50% raise. No one’s sure yet of whether any of the recent rumors about raises at Apple are true, but we can assume that Apple retail employees are hoping for the $4 per hour raises, especially after Business Insider and quite a few other news sources got their hopes up.

Although a $4 per hour raise for all Apple Store employees does seem unlikely, it’s not completely unrealistic. Apple makes a lot of money off of their retail employees, and working at the Apple Store does require some technical knowledge that working at other retail stores generally doesn’t require. Plus, Apple’s call center employees have noticeably higher salaries than most other call center employees, and Apple offers them outstanding health benefits and tuition assistance if they want to go to college. Apple treats its corporate employees well, for the most part. So, it might be time for Apple to show its retail employees some love too.

At this point, there’s no reason for Apple employees to expect $4 per hour raises, but here’s to hoping that it will happen!

How to safely operate a bring your own device policy

Technology is growing by leaps and bounds and companies of every size are constantly looking for ways to leverage all of the benefits that these technological advances can bring them. It may not be cost effective for companies of any size to jump on every single new technological wonder, even when the price of technology is at an all-time low.

There is a way for companies to benefit from the latest and greatest technological gadgets without having to make any type of monetary investment. Portable devices are making their ways into the hands of people all over the world. Just about everyone has a smartphone, and tablet computers are quickly becoming the norm.

Many companies are choosing to adopt a ‘Bring Your Own Device’ policy in order to take advantage of these technological advances without incurring any type of costs, but there are security risks involved with a Bring Your Own Device Policy. Here are five things that companies can do to ensure their data does not end up in the wrong hands.

Know who is accessing data, and what devices they are using to do it

The very first step towards a successful ‘Bring Your Own Device’ policy is understanding what types of devices are being used to access data. It is also important to understand which employees are accessing which data.

A security audit is a great way for businesses to get a better understanding of exactly what types of devices are being used by employees to access sensitive corporate data. This will help a company determine exactly how to move on to the next step in securing their data in the mobile world.

Decide what data devices can access

The very first conclusion that many companies are jumping to is restricting access to corporate networks via personal devices. This is not the right choice. A security audit should have identified what types of devices are accessing the network.

The next step to properly protect data is to classify it and the networks that are being used to send and retrieve the data. By classifying data, businesses will be able to get a much better look at the areas that need protection, and the areas that do not. Once the data has been classified it will be much easier to see the bigger picture. Companies will be able to set forth a policy that allows certain groups of people access to certain areas of data.

Identify problem apps

Not every app will play nice. Some apps have been known to have huge security vulnerabilities. These apps, without notice to the user can copy and send address lists and personal photos through the corporate network.

The two most popular mobile device operating systems are both guilty of these two examples. iOS which powers Apple devices, and the Android operating system have both been known to have these same security problems. Once the problem apps are identified, they can be prevented from being installed through company networks. Another solution is to restrict app downloads to a company approved app market place.

Create company policies to help reduce mobile security problems

Once these other issues have been addressed, companies will need to create strict policies that will teach employees what can and cannot be done with their own devices on a company network. If an employee uses their own mobile device to conduct work in the work place, a strict policy should dictate what he or she can or can’t do with the device. These policies must also have strict repercussions for any employee that chooses to violate them.

Enforcing policy with software

A security key on a keyboardThere are several solutions on the market that can and will help corporations manage all of this information. These resolutions are called Mobile Device Management Solutions. These types of solutions will allow corporations to enforce the policies that have been set during all of the previous steps.

A mobile device management solution will protect data, manage apps, address mobile device security, protect content, and protect emails. A mobile device management system will also be compatible with every major mobile device operating system on the market.

Allowing employees to use their own portable devices should not present a security breach to any company regardless of its size. Proper planning will always be the best way to prevent any sort of problems.